Bagimu Wanita

Well, when you're visiting this page, it seems like you want to know a little about me.

As you already know, my name is Sari. I came into this world in August of 1977 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Bandung is the capital city of West Java Province, and third largest city of Indonesia. It's about 180 km (about 110 miles) southern from Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. I live in Bandung, where I have lived all my life.

I was raised by lovely parents. I have two brothers, and six sisters. What a big family. I definitely get along with all of them. I reside in South Bandung.

In 1998, I earned a D3 degree. So as for the future, I do have some sort of plans in my head. One of it, I plan to extend my education in business, or law.

I am interested in many things. In my free time I enjoy listening to music, watching TV, reading, writing story, hanging around with friends.
I also love travelling, because I find that visiting other places tremendously broadens your vision and knowledge. It also makes you a more open-minded person in general.

So now you are a bit more enlightened to know about me. I'll add more later.

Suami Pun Bisa Keputihan
10 Hal Romantis Bagi Pria
Penyebab Pria Selingkuh
Bau Badan Pengaruhi Gairah Seks
Mengapa Surat Lamaran Anda Tidak Dibalas?
Kebiasaan Buruk untuk Kecantikan Anda

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Designed and Maintained by Sari